Maximizing a portfolio approach to treatment

impact summary

Helped client pinpoint unmet needs for patients living with a rare disease to understand how to best communicate meaningful treatment options

Uncovered appropriate HCP-focused resources to support better and faster diagnosis, treatment, and collaboration with peers

Luminas provides client with in-depth understanding of rare disease patient journey

We are so excited and impressed that Luminas was able to reach this many of this patient type… to be able to give us this in-depth understanding of their experience.
— Research Manager


A large pharmaceutical company wanted to better understand where their portfolio of treatments could become a meaningful option for a specific type of rare disease within a larger disease area.


Using a multi-modal qualitative approach, Luminas garnered a deep understanding of this patient type across key markets in the US and several global markets.

In-depth interviews and focus groups were augmented by online patient journals and unique projective techniques to bring to life this hard-to-reach patient population's intimate experience and perspective.

A brief video summary delivered a candid patient experience straight to the client


  • Provided clear direction for communications that would speak to patients' isolation and frustration and offer hope in potential treatment

  • Uncovered an unrecognized need for HCP-focused educational resources - to support faster diagnosis and earlier treatment